مندرجات کا رخ کریں

لیلٰی رتھ شمیت

آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیا سے

لیلٰی رتھ شمیت (Ruth Laila Schmidt) اردو زبان و ادب، پاکستانی سماجی وثقافتی حالات، لسانیاتی ڈھانچوں اور خاص طور پر شینا زبان کے گہرے مطالعے کے لیے جانی جاتی ہیں۔

تدریسی خدمات[ترمیم]

1994ء - 2007ء کے دور میں وہ اوسلو یونیورسٹی میں اردو کی پروفیسر کے طور پر کام کرچکی ہیں۔


لیلٰی کو اور ان کے رفیقِ کار رازول کوہستانی کو شینا زبان کے ماحولیاتی ابتدائیے (environmental primer ) کے لکھنے کے لیے 1996ء میں ڈاؤڈپوٹا ماحولیاتی تعلیمی انعام (Daudpota Environmental Education Prize) دیا گیا تھا۔


تحقیقی مقالات[ترمیم]

  • “A grammatical sketch of Guresi Shina” (with Vijay Kumar Kaul), in Klaus Karttunen, ed., AnantaṁŚāstram: Indological and Linguistic Studies in Honour of BertilTikkanen. Helsinki: StudiaOrientalia 108 (2010): 195-214.
  • “Narratives of blood enmity in Indus Kohistan” (with Mohammad Manzar Zarin), in Hugh van Skyhawk, ed., Masters of Understanding: German Scholars in the Hindu Kush and Karakoram, 1955-2005. Islamabad: Journal of Asian Civilizations 31, 1-2 (July-December 2008): 260-295.
  • “A comparative analysis of Shina and Kashmiri vocabularies” (with Vijay Kumar Kaul). ActaOrientalia 69 (2008): 231-301.
  • A Grammar of the Shina Language of Indus Kohistan (with Razwal Kohistani). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008. xix, 264 p.
  • “The Mirror of writing: the role played by orthography in the arbitrariness of phonemic solutions” (with Razwal Kohistani). Israr-ud-Din, ed., Proceedings of the Third International Hindu Kush Conference. Oxford University Press: 2008, pp. 281–287.
  • Cacopardo, Alberto M. and Ruth Laila Schmidt (eds.), My Heartrendingly Tragic Story. Shaikh Muhammad Abdullah Khan ‘Azar’. Oslo: Novus Forlag 2006.
  • “A Naga-Prince Tale in Kohistan.”ActaOrientalia 67 (2006): 159-188.
  • Razwal Kohistani and Ruth Laila Schmidt, “Shina in Pakistan today,” in Anju Saxena and Lars Borin (eds.), Trends in Linguistics. Lesser-Known Languages in South Asia. Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 175, pp. 137–160. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006.
  • “A grammatical comparison of Shina dialects”, in Anju Saxena, ed., Himalayan Languages Past and Present. Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 149, pp. 33–55. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2004.
  • “The oral history of the Daṛmá lineages of Indus Kohistan”. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research 24/25 (Autumn 2005/Spring 2004): 61-79.
  • “Compound verbs in the Shina of Kohistan”. ActaOrientalia 65 (2004): 19-31.
  • “Converbs in a Kohistani Shina narrative” .ActaOrientalia 64 (2003): 137-152.

“Urdu”. G. Cardona and D. Jain, eds., The Indo-Aryan Languages, pp. 286–350. London: Routledge, 2003.

  • “Nominal inflections in the Shina of Indus Kohistan” (with Razwal Kohistani). ActaOrientalia 62 (2001): 107-43.
  • “Compound tenses in the Shina of Indus Kohistan”. Dirk W. Lönne, ed., Tohfa-e-Dil: Festschrift Helmut Nespital, Reinbek: Wezler, 2001, pp. 433–452.
  • “Typology of Shina Pronouns”. Berliner IndologischeStudien 13/14 (2000): 201-213.
  • Urdu: an Essential Grammar. London: Routledge 1999. xix, 300 p.
  • “Páalus /kostyṍ/ Shina revisited” (with Razwal Kohistani). ActaOrientalia 59 (1998): 106-49.
  • A Practical Dictionary of Modern Nepali. Delhi: Ratna Sagar, 1993. li, 1005 p.
  • “Morphological criteria for distinguishing categories of transitivity in Shina”. Zide, A. R. K. et al., eds., Proceedings of the Conference on Participant Roles: South Asia and Adjacent Areas. Bloomington: Indiana University Linguistics Club,1985, pp. 33–46.
  • “Where have the Shina speakers come from? Some linguistic clues”. Dani, A.H., ed., Papers Presented at the International Conference on Karakoram Culture at Gilgit, 3;1 (1985).
  • Mohammad Manzar Zarin and Ruth Laila Schmidt, Discussions with Hariq: Land Tenure and Transhumance in Indus Kohistan. University of California, Center for South Asia Studies, Working Papers, June 1984. ii, 70 p.
  • “The Shina speakers of Pakistan and India”. Weekes, R.V., ed., Muslim Peoples: A World Ethnographic Survey. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1984, pp. 678–684.
  • “Research note on women and health care in rural Pakistan”. Social Science and Medicine 17;7: 419-420.
  • Kashmiri: A Sociolinguistic Survey (with O.N. Koul). Patiala: Indian Institute of Language Studies, 1983. 72 p.
  • Kohistani to Kashmiri: An Annotated Bibliography of Dardic Languages (with O.N. Koul and V.K. Kaul). Patiala: Indian Institute of Language Studies, 1983. 78 p.
  • ”Dardistan revisited: an examination of the relationship between Kashmiri and Shina” (with O. N. Koul). Koul, O.N. and P.E. Hook, eds., Aspects of Kashmiri Linguistics. New Delhi: Bahri Publications, 1983, pp. 1–26.
  • ”Investigation of tonal contrasts in two Shina dialects”. Rajpurohit, B. B., ed., Papers in Phonetics and Phonology. Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages, 1983, pp. 31–42.
  • ”Report on a survey of Dardic dialects of Kashmir”. Indian Linguistics 42:17-21.
  • ”The phonology and tonal system of Palas /kohis'ty›:/ Shina (with M.M. Zarin)”. MünchnerStudienzurSprachwissenschaft40: 155-185.
  • Dakhini Urdu: History and Structure. New Delhi: Bahri Publications, 1981. xi, 110 p.
  • ”Symbolic fields in Nepalese religious iconography”. Fisher, J., ed., Himalayan Anthropology: The Indo-Tibetan Interface. The Hague: Mouton, 1978, pp. 447–60.
  • ”The Nepali system of honorific registers”. Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies (Kathmandu), 4;3: 213-28.


  • Review of Cacopardo, Alberto M. and Augusto S. Cacopardo, Gates of Peristan. History, Religion and Society in the Hindu Kush. ActaOrientalia 63 (2002): 277-284.
  • Review of Wali, K. and O. Koul: Kashmiri: A Cognitive-Descriptive Grammar. South Asian Language Review 1999: 3.
  • Review of Matthews, David: A Course in Nepali. Indo-Iranian Journal 1993: 11:10-14.
  • Review of Eckholm, Erik: Losing Ground: Environmental Stress and World Food Prospects. Nepal Studies Association Bulletin 1976: 36:76-81.

تدریسی مواد اور تیارکردہ خصوصی رپورٹیں[ترمیم]

  • Shina Environmental Primer (in Shina) (with Razwal Kohistani). Islamabad, Pakistan: Himalayan Jungle Project, 1996. iii, 58 p.
  • ”A sociolinguistic description of the Shina of Kohistan, with implications for development (with Razwal Kohistani)”. Himalayan Jungle Project, Islamabad, 1996. 5 p.
  • Grammar Drills and Exercises with Grammar Notes to Accompany G.C. Narang's Readings in Literary Urdu Prose (with Tehsin Siddiqi). Lahore: NiraliKitaben, 1994. iii, 45 p.
  • Development Alternatives, Inc., Interim Report: NWFADP Kala Dhaka Area Development Project, Pakistan (Phase I) (with R. English and J. Greenham). March 1991. xii, 54 p.
  • USAID/Pakistan, Tribal Areas Development Project: Assessment of Tasks and Needs of Women in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in TADP Villages with Women's Centers. December 1990, 16 p.
  • Development Alternatives, Inc., NWFADP Kala Dhaka Area Development Project, Pakistan: Socioeconomic Survey, Women's Component. November 1990, 20 p.
  • USAID/Pakistan, Tribal Areas Development Project: Orakzai Socioeconomic Profile. Section V: Land Use, 2 pp. ms. Section VI: Agriculture, 27 pp. ms. December 1990
  • The World Bank, 1987: Education Sector Strategy Review: Mini-Survey of Pakistani Parents Who Are Educating Their Daughters. November 1987, 54 p.
  • USAID/Bangladesh, Dhaka Program Office: Private Voluntary Organization Activities in Bangladesh. May 1982.
  • USAID/Pakistan, Basic Health Services Loan: Women as Providers and Beneficiaries of Health Care in Rural Pakistan. March 1976, 33 p.
  • Nepali language Training Materials (with HomaChetry). U.S. Peace Corps/Nepal, University of California at Davis, 1968. 245 p.
  • Nepali Conversation Manual. Univ. of Pennsylvania, So. Asia Reg. Studies, 1968. vi, 139 p.[1]

حوالہ جات[ترمیم]

مزید دیکھیے[ترمیم]